Buckwheat flour
- weight 5 kg, 10 kg, 15 kg, 25 kg, 50 kg, 100 kg
nutritional value in 100 g
- Energy value
- Protein
- Fiber
- Carbohydrates
- Sugar
- Fat
- Saturated fat
- Salt
Buckwheat flour is obtained by buckwheat grinding. When added to a dish, it will darken its color as this flour is grey-brown, and its taste is specific of the buckwheat aroma. This flour is gluten-free so it should be an important ingredient for gluten intolerance sufferers. It presents also a low glycemic index so it can be used by the diabetics and insulin resistant people. The high contents of proteins in buckwheat flour makes it attractive for the vegetarian, because it provides the body with lysine and arginine, the amino acids that are not synthesized by the organism. Buckwheat flour is widely used in the food industry for baking bread, making pasta and cakes, as well as an independent ingredient or mixed with wheat flour.